CS 0134

Web Design and Development




  • Coming Soon!


  • Coming Soon!


  • Murach's HTML5 and CSS3
  • 3rd Edition

Course Info, Policies and Dates

Course Information


Murach's HML5 and CSS3 (3rd Edition) - Many language references will also be needed - these can be obtained from online sites


Try to have a good code editor prior to working on your first assignment.

Basic knowledge of the command line (especially for git). We will go over most of the commands you will need, but it never hurts to look into it on your own.

We will be using HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript and jQuery. Possibly other systems as well. Software may be available in University or Departmental labs, or it may required as downloads from the Web. We will also explore other topics, such as code management and other relevant technologies as time permits.

Grading Requirements:

  • All coding submissions MUST adhere to the coding style guide that can be found here.
  • All submissions MUST be turned in through gitHub. Emailed files will not be considered.
  • Any code submitted for class MUST run in some capacity. If I run the code and I am hit with a screen full of errors, it will not be accepted. Of course, there will be special cases regarding this, which we will discuss when the time comes.
  • All necessary files MUST be included with your submission.
  • To earn full credit, assignments MUST be handed in on time. See the Course Policies section below.
  • Yes, there will be extra credit!! Lucky you! Any extra credit will be mentioned along with the assignment, or shortly after. Note: you cannot get higher than 100% through extra credit.
  • If you have any questions about the grading requirements, please don't hesitate to ask. We can work out accomodations if necessary.

Course Policies


  • Unless otherwise stated, Each student is expected to do his/her own work. If a student caught collaborating / cheating in any way will fail the class immediately and will also immediately be reported to the Department of Academic Integrity and may be subject to stronger actions. Note: Submissions that are alike in a substantive way (not due to coincidence) will be considered to be cheating by ALL involved parties. Please protect yourselves by only storing your files in private directories or repositories, and by retrieving any printouts promptly. For more information on the Academic Integrity Policies of the School of Arts and Sciences, see this link
  • Late Work: Believe it or not, all of you work must be submitted on time. This usually means at or before 11:59pm on the day it's due. The system works like this: 1 class late - 25% off. 2 classes late - 50% off. 3 classes late - you can just keep it, no credit will be given.
  • You are required to attend class. I don't always take attendance, but it is highly likely that I will notice if you aren't there. I know life happens sometimes, so if you have to miss class, please email me to let me know in advance as soon as possible. You will be responsible for getting any in class notes. If a you miss a lecture, you are still responsible for the material covered and it is advised to copy the notes from a classmate. If that isn't possible for some reason, see me and we can arrange something.
  • An abundance of information, including announcements, handouts, review sheets and solutions will be posted on the class site (and possibly TA pages as well) throughout the term. You are expected to be aware of all information that is posted on our web pages, and should access them frequently in order to stay current.
  • Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your myself and Disability Resources and Services, 216 William Pitt Union, 412-648-7890 or 412-383-7355 (TTY) as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course. More info here


  • Quizzes will be given in class. You will have the entire class period to complete it. The quizzes will generally include material covered in the previous class(es) and recitation(s). Time permitting, we will have a review session prior to the quiz.
  • There will be a total of 2 quizzes thoughout the term. These will not be written quizzes and you will be given a link to the repo in order to fork it and submit when completed.
  • Quizzes can only be made up if you contact me in advance. If you miss a quiz without informing me, you will receive a zero and will be unable to make it up.
  • You can find the tenative dates for the quizzes in the syllabus section.


  • There will be a total of 2 exams throughout the term. These will be your midterm and final exams.
  • Exams will also be given in class. Students are expected to be present for both exams. If you miss an exam without informing me, you will receive a zero and will be unable to make it up.
  • Exams will be a combination of written and coding, in some capacity.
  • You can find the tenative dates for the exams in the syllabus section.


  • NOTE: Please do not copy and paste source code from the example files that are found on this site. All code written for in-class exercises should be written by you. Example files should only be used as a reference.
  • There will be 6 total assignments throughout the term. They are typically due the week after they are assigned.
  • These won't be large scale projects, but you are encouraged to be as fancy as you like, so long as you fufill the basic requirements.
  • Depending on the subject matter of the assignment, class time may be given to work on it.


  • In addition to the tests and quizzes, we will have a large scale project that will span the course of the semester.
  • This will be split out into 2 sections. The first section will incorporate concepts we have gone over up until about the halfway point of class. You'll never guess what the second sections is about...
  • You are free to leverage front end frameworks for visual appearance and some functionality. Bootstrap and Foundation are two of the most popular and actively supported platforms.
  • This will be a "flat" site. This means that we will not implement any server side frameworks or MVC structures.
  • We will discuss the details in class, and they will also be posted on this site as well.

Instructor Info

Matt Bowytz

"Call me Matt"

Office Hours

  • 6148 (Next to the display with all the old computers in it)
  • Mondays and Wednesdays 4:00pm - 6:00pm
  • (My classes start at 6:00pm)
  • By appointment when necessary

TA Info

Office Hours


Check back often!

Class Announcements and Info

  • 1.23.17
  • New office hours have been added...check the instructor section for more deets!

Weekly Syllabus

Class Activities and Goals

Points Breakdown


Typically Due the week after they are assigned, unless otherwise noted.

Assignment Links


Necessary Files

Programming Project Part 2

Proposal for Part 2

  • Professionally written
  • Must be submitted in the form of a GitHub gist
  • Outline the following:
    • What do you plan on doing for part 2
      • Are you going to make your part one better? - if so, how?
      • Making a completely new site? That's fine too, tell me about it!
    • What do you want to implement based on what we've learned and what we will learn?
    • Styling yourself or using a CSS framework?
    • What have you learned/improved on since part one?
    • Include your name, email and CS0134
  • I will not accept anything that looks like it was slapped together in 5 seconds because you forgot to do it.
  • Let me know if you have any questions!

Improved Project Part 1 OR New Project

  • Dynamic Site
  • Minimum 3 linked pages
  • Pages can be whatever you need them to be for the project
  • Use of semantic HTML5
  • Use of at least 3 advanced CSS3 techniques
    • Transitions
    • Animations
    • Etc.
  • Well though out design and layout
  • Use JS and jQuery (At least 3 instances, just demonstrate what you've learned one can be an image carousel)
  • Images, tables for tabular data, etc.
  • All assets must be included with submission and orgainized into a neat file tree
  • Submission must be through GitHub
  • By the time this project is due, you will have learned everything you need to complete the requirements
  • Please don't hesitate to ask if you have ANY questions about this project
  • Grading Rubric will be the same as part 1

Programming Project

Proposal for Part 1

  • Professionally written
  • Must be submitted in the form of a GitHub gist
  • Outline the following:
    • What is your product
    • How do you plan on using our tech stack?
    • Styling yourself or using a CSS framework?
    • Include your name, email and all that good stuff
  • I will not accept anything that looks like it was slapped together in 5 seconds because you forgot to do it.
  • Let me know if you have any questions!

Mock Commerce Web Site

  • Static Site
  • Minimum 3 linked pages
    • Home Page
    • Product Index Page (at least 6 items)
    • Cart Page
  • Use of semantic HTML5
  • Use of at least 3 advanced CSS3 techniques
    • Transitions
    • Animations
    • Etc.
  • Well though out design and layout
  • Use JS and jQuery (At least 3 instances, just demonstrate what you've learned one can be an image carousel) NOTE: JS NOT REQUIRED FOR PART ONE BUT I WON'T STOP YOU FROM USING IT
  • Images, tables for tabular data, etc.
  • All assets must be included with submission and orgainized into a neat file tree
  • Submission must be through GitHub
  • Please don't hesitate to ask if you have ANY questions about this project

Grading Rubric

  • I'm going to be more attentive to the way you write your code for this project. In the event that it will become public facing in the future, it is important for you to have well written, clean semantic code. Myself or the TAs will be available to help you with this as well.
  • Clean, readable, sematic code, organized assets and folders, etc.: 15%
  • Intelligent implementation of requirements: 45%
  • Usability (navigation works, the site loads, assests aren't broken or unavilable, it's not too confusing to use, looks ok etc.): 25%
  • Submission guidelines are adhered to: 15%